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Eleni Tavantzis took the Highlands Ability Battery (HAB) when she was 16 years old. She says that she’s not alone in that. All of her family, including her fiancé, has taken the assessment as well. Eleni是在16岁时做了海蓝个从天赋/职业测评。她不是家里唯一做测试的人,她的家人,包括她的未婚夫也都进行过该测试。

“The HAB has done a lot to develop our family dynamic. Because of it, we all have a set of tools to help us communicate and understand each other.” 海蓝个从天赋/职业测评对增进我们家庭关系和氛围有非常大帮助。因为这个测试结果,我们家每个人都对自己和亲人有更多了解,我们有更多方式和对方沟通互动。

When it came time to choose a career, Eleni knew knew she wanted a vibrant work setting (She is an extrovert.), and so she applied and earned a job as a copywriter at QVC, the televised multichannel retailer based in West Chester, Pennsylvania. 在选择职业时,Eleni知道她需要充满活力的工作环境(她是外向型)。她最初在宾夕法尼亚州的西侧斯特市找到电视多频道营销的QVC市场销售部撰稿人。

“Copywriting played to my strengths, and I loved the work setting and the people I worked with,” she said. “The job was fast paced but often the same thing. After two years, I realized I needed the ability to innovate.”  “撰稿人用到我的长处,我非常喜欢我的工作环境和同事” 她说,“工作节奏很快但总是同样的事情,两年后,我意识到我需要创新能力。”

After a bit of searching, Eleni found a new place for herself at QVC–as the first social media employee. This was in 2008 when sites like Facebook and Twitter were just beginning to go mainstream. 经过搜索,她在公司为自己找到一个新职位, 第一个社交媒体雇员。这是2008年,脸书及推特刚刚起步被主流媒体了解。

“I had to communicate to the company why it was a good idea,” she said. “This was a new field for everyone, but again, it was a great fit for me. Social media is perfect for extroverts with high-productivity. Plus, because I think best in longer time frames, I didn’t get sucked into the new and shiny elements of social media. I had a long-term vision for it.” “我必须说服公司这是一个好主意”,她说。“这是新的领域,但太适合我了。社交媒体对外向及高创造力的人来说是完美平台。同时,我的时间段偏长周期,我没有被社交媒体一些闪亮花哨元素蒙蔽。我有长远预期。”

Eleni stayed in this position for seven years. She grew the social media department from a party of one to a large team that became part of the fabric of the company. Eleni在这个职位做了七年,她带领这个部门从一人变成一个大团队,成为公司重要的部分。

But then, thanks to her updated LinkedIn profile, Eleni was recruited to work at Lilly Pulitzer, a resortwear fashion houser known for its bright prints, in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. 不久因为她的LinkedIn 个人页,Eleni被位于宾州普拉舍国王市的度假服装公司Lilly Pulitzer招聘。他们主打明亮图案印刷服装。

Lilly Pulitzer sought out Eleni because they wanted someone who could re-invent social media for the company. They wanted new ideas and stronger leadership.  Lilly Pulitzer 看中Eleni为前公司设立社交媒体部门,看中她的新创意和强有力的领导才能。

Eleni took advantage of the Highlands Leadership Report and reviewed her HAB results to learn more about her leadership strengths. Eleni 充分利用了海蓝个从天赋/职业测评的报告结果及对她领导力的分析,充分自我认知。

“I grew up at QVC. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t just working one way. I wanted adaptable skills.” 我在QVC公司成长,我当时就知道自己不愿做单一工作,我想有极强的适应能力。

Today, Eleni has found her stride at Lilly Pulitzer. In 2014, she took over public relations responsibilities and won a leadership award at the company, which she credits to the HAB. 现在,Eleni在Lilly Pulitzer公司得到重视。2014年,她主管公司公关部门并获得优秀领导力奖励,她把这都归功于海蓝个从天赋/职业测评。

“I don’t think I would have won without the awareness that the HAB has given me. I give it glowing reviews and recommend it to everyone.”   “我的成功来自海蓝个从天赋/职业测评给我的深度自我认知力。我愿意向任何人推荐这个测评。”